First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes … You know the rhyme. But they left out a part. Somewhere in there, you have to pop the question! No one wants a blase engagement. The memory of this very first step toward a life together should be well thought out and uniquely you.
Create Ways to Propose
Was your first date memorable? Whether it was a sweet time of bonding or a hilarious flub, set the tone for your life together by springboarding off your first moments as a couple. Make sure you take care of every single detail.
Did you call her and invite her to an event? Do it again.
Was it a chance meeting? Set it up again!
Of course, if you had specific seats, be sure to reserve those. If there was a mishap, somehow work that into the time too! Wear the same clothes (or get as close as you can). Drive the same car. Listen to the same music. Take your time and think through everything because the details are what will make the moment spectacular.
By recreating your first date together you are acknowledging that this moment was when your life was forever changed.

Escape rooms are a popular date idea and they are typically full of surprises. Imagine the added element of surprise when you propose right in the escape room!
If you want to go it alone, you can just follow along with the game and wait for a calm, quiet moment and pop the question. But with a little pre-planning and some help from the game master, you can strategically plan the whole game around the escape date!
Be sure to pop the question early in the game. It would certainly put a damper on things if you never got to the ring. The game master will likely have a suggestion of a place to hide the ring that they are relatively sure you will get to and that is far enough along in the game that your future spouse won’t suspect a thing!

It is always fun and romantic to spend the evening looking at the Christmas lights around town. Everyone enjoys browsing store windows and dreaming about the future while sipping hot chocolate.
Her eyes will rival the sparkle of the lights when she discovers the ring hanging on a tree and finds you on one knee.
Near a mall Santa? Stand in line to chat with the Jolly Old Elf and let him know what is on your list. Of course, your wish is that she would be your bride.
If your local theater has a showing of It’s A Wonderful Life, get your tickets early. Whether you choose to propose before, during intermission, or after, this show is an ideal segway to get your new life off to a perfect start.
If you draw a crowd during the proposal, do not fear! Stand tall and ask, in your best George imitation, “You want me to kiss her, huh?”
If you don’t have a local play, spend an evening in. Snuggle on the couch and hit pause at just the right moment. Of course, neither of you will remember the movie’s ending but it’ll be your favorite until eternity!

Make those LOVEworks signs work for you! Take a day to tour your area and find your favorite one. With more than 180 in the state to choose from, you can easily spend the day searching! Put your favorite couple songs on a playlist, gas up the car, and let the adventure take you where it will. No need to plan ahead, just pick a sign, get on one knee, and pop the question already!
All marriages start with a proposal but there is no need to settle for a cliche. Add your own personality and flair, considering what your future fiancee will enjoy, and do it! This moment is all about you as a couple.
The staff at The Inn at Virginia Tech would love to hear all about your proposal and would love to also help you with planning your next steps. Give us a call so we can congratulate you properly!